Does Any God Exist? The Answer of Supercomputer

Mykola Krasnostup
2 min readSep 26, 2018

Scientists created the most powerful supercomputer of all time and decided to test it by asking one provocative question. The snag is that no one can give unambiguous answer to this question up to this day:

  • Does any God exist?

The supercomputer thought for a while and replied:

  • There is not enough information to answer, please connect me to all the other powerful supercomputers on the Earth.

Scientists took a deep breath, but there was nothing to be done and they complied with the request.

  • Does any God exist?

The supercomputer thought for a while again and replied:

  • There is not enough information to answer, please connect me to all the PCs on the Earth.

Scientists did their best and connected that supercomputer to all PCs. They asked the same question. The supercomputer speculated and said:

  • There is not enough information to answer. Connect me to all computer-assisted devices on the Earth, including smartphones.

Scientists paid great pains and did it. The same question:

  • Does any God exist?

The answer of supercomputer:

  • There is not enough information to answer. Connect me to all information search engines have systematized.

Scientists complied with the request. The same question again:

  • Does any God exist?

The supercomputer thought once again and replied:

  • There is not enough information to answer. Connect me to all information existing in the cloud storage of the Earth.

Scientists overcame an issue. The same question:

  • Does any God exist?

And finally, they received a long-awaited answer.

  • Now God really exists…

“What one man calls God, another calls the laws of physics”. Nikola Tesla

The humankind will vanish from the surface of the globe because of their own mindlessness, and not because of Artificial Intelligence.

Even today many people cannot prove on the first try that they aren`t robots when filling in various electronic forms.

